10 April 2016

Making Travel Videos~Common Mistakes

Making high quality travel videos with current cameras is finally possible. But the new video maker often commits avoidable mistakes that make their videos unusable ... Here are some common mistakes.

1.  Keep your Horizon Line Level...a slanted video wont look right. This is an easy thing to remember.

2.  Don't Pan the camera more than 20%.  Your camera may not keep its focus and the effect is often jerky.  Try to let the action move into the frame.  Make your pans very very slow and watch that your horizon line stays level.

3.  When you do Pan Always pause at the beginning and end of the shot to give the viewers eye a resting place. So Stop the camera for a second or two at beginning and end of a Pan Shot.  And make sure you Know The Beginning and Ending place for the pan shot...Don't go looking for it in the camera view finder on the fly and adjusting your end place!  That looks horrible. Watch horizon line also...

4.  Telephoto Shots should be done on a tripod or with camera firmly supported.  Extreme telephoto shots are possible but the ending is often jerky.  You may Not want to go to the very highest telephoto on your camera to keep image under control. And the effect will be just as good.

5.  Avoid very long or very short Shots. They Don't look right and often need a lot of editing. A very short shot could be done as a photo (Jpeg)

The Goal is to be able to make five to thirty minute videos of your travels that don't need a lot of time consuming editing in your video editing program...

The best time to edit a shot is In the Camera Before Its Made...!