Rimbaud in Benares
Golden Glow from Unseen Fires
Sparks Explode. Thoughts released from bursting skulls
Shiva Dances on Burning Ghats Wearing Ashes of the Dead.
Souls Descend into Dark Waters Watched by thousand eyed Nagas
Cows stand quietly in dark corners smelling of piss
Street Smells of flesh on flesh, grease, black oil in Tin Cups of Tea
Dogs sleep by small trash fires Dream of Being Human
City of Light knows Life is Short.
I pull my scarf over my face
Golden Glow from Unseen Fires
Sparks Explode. Thoughts released from bursting skulls
Shiva Dances on Burning Ghats Wearing Ashes of the Dead.
Souls Descend into Dark Waters Watched by thousand eyed Nagas
Cows stand quietly in dark corners smelling of piss
Street Smells of flesh on flesh, grease, black oil in Tin Cups of Tea
Dogs sleep by small trash fires Dream of Being Human
City of Light knows Life is Short.
I pull my scarf over my face